ג.1 | The first stage - September 1993 to April 1994
A 7768/3
One day after the signing of the Declaration of Principles with the Palestinians at the White House (the “Oslo I Agreement”), the Jordanian delegation to the talks in Washington and the Israeli delegation signed an agreed agenda for continuing negotiations, in the anticipation that the final result would be a peace treaty between Israel and Jordan.
- Minutes of a Meeting of the Team dealing with the Negotiations with Jordan; Jerusalem, December 29, 1993
A 8081/17
A team led by the Government Secretary, Elyakim Rubinstein, discussed delays in the negotiations with Jordan. The Jordanians were very angry at the leaking of details of Foreign Minister Shimon Peres’ meeting with King Hussein [in November 1993]. It seems that they are not ready to negotiate a peace treaty at this point.
- Elyakim Rubinstein, the Government Secretary and Head of the Delegation for Negotiations with Jordan, Jerusalem, to Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Yitzhak Rabin, Jerusalem; April 4, 1994
MFA 10987/13
A report on talks with the head of the Jordanian delegation, Fayez Tarawneh, and with Aaron Miller of the American peace team. They reported on contacts between the Jordanians and the Americans to solve the problem of the US naval blockade of Aqaba to enforce the sanctions on Iraq, and on public opinion in Jordan on this and other issues related to negotiations with Israel.
- Arie Zohar, the Deputy Government Secretary, Jerusalem, to Elyakim Rubinstein, the Government Secretary and Head of the Delegation for Negotiations with Jordan; Jerusalem; April 26, 1994
A 8081/18
A proposal to reach a package deal with Jordan at the political level, based on mutual concessions (trade-offs) and identifying the important issues for each side.