



The Declaration of Principles on an Interim Agreement with the Palestinians


Israel and the PLO sign the first “Oslo Agreement” in Washington

See the “Road to Oslo” publication


Foreign Minister Shimon Peres signs the Declaration of Principles. Photograph: Avi Ohayon, GPO




The Common Agenda with Jordan is signed in Washington


Delegation heads Elyakim Rubinstein and Fayez Tarawneh sign the Common Agenda for talks on an Israeli-Jordanian peace agreement


R. to L. Eytan Benzur, Elyakim Rubinstein, Fayez Tarawneh and Marwan el-Muasher at the signing in the State Department. Photograph courtesy of Arie Zohar


Prime Minister Rabin and King Hussein of Jordan meet secretly in Aqaba

Rabin explains  Israel’s step in reaching the Oslo Agreement, which had angered the King, and assures him that Israel seeks a speedy agreement with Jordan

Establishment of the Trilateral Economic Committee


President Clinton establishes the US-Israel-Jordan Trilateral Economic Committee


Foreign Minister Shimon Peres meets secretly with King Hussein

Peres meets with King Hussein and Prince Hassan in Amman. They reach agreement on ways to progress, but after leaks to the press, King Hussein repudiates the agreement


King Hussein’s visit to Washington


Hussein meets President Clinton and Jewish leaders and speaks publicly about progress in talks with Israel


King Hussein presenting a gift to President Clinton. Photograph: William J. Clinton Presidential Library



The Hebron Massacre.

The Palestinians break off talks with Israel


The massacre of Muslim worshippers by Baruch Goldstein shocks the Arab world. The talks are halted. See the publication on the Cairo Agreement


The Isaac hall in the tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, 1993. Photograph: Moshe Milner, GPO


Hammas suicide bombing in Hadera

A week after an attack in Afula, a Hammas terrorist kills 5.

Israel accuses Jordan of sheltering Hammas


The US and Jordan agree on a solution to end the naval blockade of Aqaba

US Secretary of State Warren Christopher and King Hussein meet in London. They agree that a private company will make checks in Aqaba

The economic agreement with the PLO is signed in Paris

The Paris Agreement defines economic ties between Israel and the Palestinian Authority
30.4. 1994-1.5.1994

Secretary Christopher visits Damascus

Talks with Syrian President Hafez al-Assad on a possible agreement with Israel


The Cairo Agreement is signed


Israel and the PLO agree to set up the Palestinian Authority, at the first stage in Gaza and Jericho


P.M. Rabin consulting with the Israeli delegation at the signing of the Cairo Agreement. Photograph: Zvika Yisraeli, GPO


A secret meeting between King Hussein and Rabin in London

The leaders agree on accelerated steps towards signing a peace agreement, public meetings and talks in the Middle East

King Hussein meets with President Clinton in Washington

Jordan seeks relief on its debt to the US and aid for the Jordanian army. Clinton:  assistance is contingent on public progress towards peace with Israel  



18-19.7. 1994

Bilateral talks with the Jordanians in Ein Evrona


The first open talks are held in a carpeted tent on the Jordanian-Israel border


The Jordanian delegation at Ein Evrona: R-L, General Tahsin Shurdom, unidentified general, Marwan al-Muasher, Colonel Mahram Tal, General Shurdom’s assistant. With his back to the camera: Arie Zohar. Photograph courtesy of Arie Zohar

The talks in Ein Evrona



The fifth round of trilateral talks


Foreign Minister Peres, Prime Minister al-Majali and Secretary Christopher meet at the Dead Sea Spa Hotel in Jordan


The three foreign ministers at the Dead Sea Spa Hotel. Photograph: Avi Ohayon, GPO



The Washington Declaration


Rabin and King Hussein meet at the White House. They sign a declaration ending the state of war between Israel and Jordan (see File A 412/5)



The two leaders meet with President Clinton in the Oval Office at the White House. Photograph: Ya’acov Sa’ar, GPO


The Knesset approves the declaration

Unlike the Oslo Accords, the Knesset approved the Declaration by a large majority


The Arava border crossing is opened


Prime Minister Rabin and Prince Hassan open the crossing in a cleared minefield north of Eilat and Aqaba


PM Rabin and Prince Hassan prepare to cut the ribbon opening the Arava border crossing. Secretary Christopher in the centre. Photograph: Avi Ohayon, GPO


Bilateral and trilateral talks in Beit Gabriel, near Zemach

Progress on borders and security. Agreements on developing the Jordan Rift Valley and other economic issues The talks in Beit Gabriel

Official and unofficial talks in Aqaba

Rabin and King Hussein join the last day of talks and important understandings are reached. A draft peace treaty is submitted.

Clinton, Hassan and Peres meet in Washington

Trilateral meeting at the White House to discuss joint economic projects


Rabin and Al-Majali initial the draft treaty


After last minute discussions between Rabin and King Hussein, the draft treaty is initialled in Amman


First page of the treaty. File A 412/4


The Government approves the treaty unanimously

26.10.1994 Rabin and Al-Majali sign the peace treaty between Jordan and Israel with President Clinton as  witness.



Balloons released into the air during the signing ceremony at the Arava crossing. Photograph: Ya’acov Sa’ar, GPO



Exchange of instruments of ratification


Prime Minister Rabin and King Hussein exchange the instruments of ratification at Beit Gabriel, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

The Jordan River crossing near Beit Shean is opened


The Jordanian instrument, signed by King Hussein and Al-Majali. File MFA 11777/9