A publication on the last chapter in the Yom Kippur War – separation of forces with Syria. Following the agreement with Egypt in January 1974, Israel wanted to end the war of attrition in the enclave captured in the war and to reach an exchange of prisoners, but the Syrians refused to give a list of POWS. US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger persuaded President Assad to give the list. Negotiations continued on withdrawal from the enclave and in the Golan Heights. Despite her resignation in April 1974, Golda Meir brought the talks to a successful conclusion.
The 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War - Newly Declassified Material
A new and enlarged collection including thousands of documents that give a fascinating view of many political, military and civil aspects related to the war, allowing for the first time a comprehensive study of its leading events and results.
End of an Era: The Golda Meir Government and the Separation of Forces Agreement with Syria, January-May 1974
"An honourable peace, a balanced peace, a peace that will last": signing the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan
A new publication on the talks with Jordan, leading to the signing of the treaty on October 26, 1994. To mark the 30th anniversary of the signing of the agreement last October, the Israel State Archives has prepared a publication based on newly declassified files, on the obstacles to the agreement and how they were overcome.
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The “Mizpah” photograph album: a gift for the High Commissioner
The American Colony honours Sir Herbert SamuelHerbert Samuel and the British Mandate for Palestine: The Formative Years
100 years after the arrival of the first British High Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel, we present an exhibition based on a rich collection of documents, photographs and other materials left behind by the Mandate administration, Herbert Samuel himself and others. With their help, we seek to present an outline of the formative years of the Mandate and to raise the question what remains of its legacy in Israel today. The...
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The Story of the Yom Kippur War, October 1973
Documents and publications about the Yom Kippur War
The 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War - Newly Declassified Material
A new and large collection that includes thousands of documents that give a fascinating view of many political,...
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Documents on the Foreign Policy of Israel, 1947-1960
The first series of volumes on Israel's foreign policy published by the Israel State Archives, has now been...
The Eichmann Trial - Documentation at the ISA
In May 1960 Israeli agents captured Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Argentina and brought him to Israel....
The Cairo Agreement: Israel's negotiations with the PLO, October 1993-May 1994
Newly classified documents on the agreement signed on 4 May 1994 show how Israel and the PLO reached...
Transcripts of the Security Cabinet
Transcripts of the Security Cabinet, the group that decided on war and peace, January-July 1967
Israeli-Egyptian relations
Documents on Israel's relations with Egypt since the War of Independence to the signing of the peace treaty...
Shimon Peres
A special publication of newly declassified files to mark the first anniversary of the death of Shimon Peres,...
Israeli-Iranian relations
Documents on Israel's relations with Iran since the establishment of the state until the Islamic revolution of 1979
The Munich massacre, September 1972
"The Israeli government does not see itself as a party to negotiations with the terrorists": a collection of...
Blue and White Pages 2018
Golda Meir and the Agranat Commission: The Report that Brought Down a Government, November 1973–April 1974
The Agranat report on the Yom Kippur war led to a political "earthquake", the resignation of Prime Minister...
Israel establishes diplomatic relations with the Vatican 1994
At the end of December 1993, Israel and the Holy See signed a "Fundamental Agreement" on the relations...
The Road to Oslo: The Secret Negotiations Between Israel and the PLO, January-September 1993
A new publication on the talks which led to the first Oslo Agreement based on a collection of...
Bearing witness: the journey of the Ethiopian Jews to Israel, 1979-1990
Pages of witness testimony in memory of the Jews of Ethiopia who died on their way to Israel...
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