• Editing:
    State Documents and Commemoration Department, Israel State Archives
  • English editing:
    Louise Fischer
  • Photograph:
    President Navon on a visit to the US, 6 January 1983
  • Photographer:
    Yaacov Sa'ar, GPO

Here we present a selection of publications which are part of the project to commemorate Yitzhak Navon, Israel’s fifth president, according to the Law to Commemorate Israel’s Late Presidents and Prime Ministers. We focus on Navon’s activities as president and as minister of education, which are well documented in the ISA files.  Most of the publications are in Hebrew and can be found on our Hebrew website here. They are accompanied by a selection of scanned documents. We have also scanned, declassified and published a rich collection of files, photographs, video and audio clips on Yitzhak Navon.

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